- French Co-Prince
- Emmanuel Macron
- Episcopal Co-Prince
- Joan Enric Vives i Sicília
- Prime Minister
- Xavier Espot Zamora
- Minister of Culture and Sport
- Mònica Bonell Tuset
- Minister of the Environment, Agriculture, and Sustainability
Guillem Casal Font
- in office since 2023-05-17
- Minister of Finance
- Ramon Lladós Bernaus
- Minister of Foreign Affairs
- Imma Tor Faus
- Minister of Health
- Helena Mas Santuré
- Minister of Institutional Relations, Education and Universities
- Ladislau Baró Solà
- Minister of Justice and the Interior
Ester Molné Soldevila
- in office since 2023-05-17
- Minister of the Presidency, Economy, Labour and Housing
- Conxita Marsol Riart
- Minister of Social Affairs and Civil Service
- Trini Marín González
- Minister of Territorial Management and Housing
Raül Ferré Bonet
- in office since 2023-05-17
- Minister of Tourism
- Jordi Torres Falcó
This list is checked daily against and several other sources. The last change was on May 17, 2023. If something seems wrong, or you think we should include another key position here, please get in touch.