- President
- Javier Milei
- Vice President
- Victoria Villarruel
- Minister of Defence
- Luis Petri
- Minister of Deregulation and State Transformation
- Federico Sturzenegger
- Minister of Economy
- Luis Caputo
- Minister of Foreign Affairs and Worship
- Gerardo Werthein
- Minister of Health
- Mario Iván Lugones
- Minister of Human Capital
- Sandra Pettovello
- minister of Justice and Human Rights
- Mariano Cúneo Libarona
- Minister of Security
- Patricia Bullrich
- Secretary of Communications
- Manuel Adorni
- Secretary of Culture
- Leonardo Cifelli
- Secretary of Strategic Affairs
María Ibarzabal Murphy
- in office since 2023-12-10
- Director of the State Intelligence Secretariat
Sergio Darío Neiffert
- male
- born 1968-03-14
- in office since 2024-07
- Chief of the Cabinet of Ministers
- Guillermo Francos
- General Secretary of the Presidency
- Karina Milei
- Legal and Technical Secretary of the Presidency
Dante Javier Herrera Bravo
- in office since 2023-12-10
- Press Secretary of the Presidency
Eduardo José Serenellini
- in office since 2023-12-10
- Provisional President of the Senate
- Bartolomé Abdala
- President of the Chamber of Deputies
- Martín Menem
This list is checked daily against and several other sources. The last change was on November 7, 2024. If something seems wrong, or you think we should include another key position here, please get in touch.