
Druk Gyalpo (King)
Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck
image of Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck from Wikimedia Commons
  • male
  • born 1980-02-21
  • in office since 2006-12-14
  • Wikipedia Wikidata
Prime Minister
Tshering Tobgay
image of Tshering Tobgay from Wikimedia Commons
  • male
  • born 1965-09-19
  • in office since 2024-01-28
  • Wikipedia Wikidata
Minister of Agriculture and Livestock
Yonten Phuntsho
  • in office since 2024-01-28
Minister of Education
Dimple Thapa
  • female
  • in office since 2024-01-28
  • Wikipedia Wikidata
Minister of Energy and Natural Resources
Gem Tshering
  • in office since 2024-01-28
Minister of Finance
Lekey Dorji
  • in office since 2024-01-28
Minister of Foreign Affairs
D. N. Dhungyel
  • male
  • in office since 2024-01-28
  • Wikipedia Wikidata
Minister of Health
Tandin Wangchuk
  • in office since 2024-01-28
Minister of Home Affairs
  • male
  • in office since 2024-01-28
Minister of Industry, Commerce and Employment
Namgyal Dorji
  • in office since 2024-01-28
Minister of Infrastructure and Transport
Chandra Bdr Gurung
  • in office since 2024-01-28
Speaker of the National Assembly
Lungten Dorji
  • in office since 2024-01-26
Chairman of the National Council
Sangay Dorji
  • male
  • born 1981
  • in office since 2023-05-10
  • Wikipedia Wikidata
Governor of the Royal Monetary Authority
Dasho Penjore
  • male
  • in office since 2015-12
  • Wikidata
COO of the Army
Batoo Tshering
image of Batoo Tshering from Wikimedia Commons
  • male
  • born 1951-12-11
  • in office since 2005-11-01
  • Wikipedia Wikidata

This list is checked daily against and several other sources. The last change was on January 28, 2024. If something seems wrong, or you think we should include another key position here, please get in touch.