Dominican Republic
- President
- Luis Abinader
- Vice President
- Raquel Peña de Antuña
- Minister of Agriculture
- Limber Cruz
- Minister of Culture
- Milagros Germán
- Minister of Defence
Carlos Antonio Fernández Onofre
- in office since 2024-08-16
- Minister of Economy
- Pável Isa Contreras
- Minister of Education
- Ángel Enrique Hernández
- Minister of Energy and Mining
- Joel Santos
- Minister of Environment and Natural Resources
Armando Paíno Henríquez
- in office since 2024-08-02
- Minister of Finance
- Jochi Vicente
- Minister of Foreign Affairs
- Roberto Álvarez
- Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology
- Franklin García Fermín
- Minister of Housing, Habitat and Buildings
- Carlos Bonilla Sánchez
- Minister of Industry and Trade
- Víctor Bisonó
- Minister of Internal Affairs and Police
- Faride Raful
- Minister of Labour
- Luis Miguel de Camps
- Minister of the Presidency
- Porfirio Andrés Bautista García
- Minister of the Presidency
- José Ignacio Paliza
- Minister of Public Administration
Sigmund Freud Mena
- in office since 2024-07-17
- Minister of Public Health
Víctor Atallah Lajam
- in office since 2024-01-17
- Minister of Public Works and Communications
- Deligne Ascensión Burgos
- Minister of Sport
Kelvin Cruz
- in office since 2024-08-16
- Minister of Tourism
- David Collado
- Minister for Women
- Mayra Jiménez
- Minister for Youth
- Carlos Valdez Matos
- Minister without portfolio
- Neney Cabrera
- Minister without portfolio
- Roberto Fulcar
- Government Spokesperson
- Homero Figueroa
- Attorney General
- Miriam Germán
- President of the Chamber of Deputies
- Alfredo Pacheco
- President of the Senate
- Ricardo De los Santos Polanco
Unfortunately we have not yet been able to find a regularly-updated official source for the data listed here, so we are not able to automatically check that this information is up-to-date. If you know of such a source, or if you see an error in the data, please get in touch. The last change was on August 16, 2024.