
Daniel Noboa
image of Daniel Noboa from Wikimedia Commons
  • male
  • born 1987-11-30
  • in office since 2023-11-23
  • Wikipedia Wikidata
Vice President
Verónica Abad Rojas
image of Verónica Abad Rojas from Wikimedia Commons
  • female
  • born 1976-11-14
  • in office since 2023-11-23
  • Wikipedia Wikidata
Minister of Agriculture
Franklin Danilo Palacios Márquez
  • in office since 2023-11-23
Minister of Culture and Heritage
Romina Muñoz Procel
  • in office since 2023-11-23
Minister of Defence
Giancarlo Loffredo Rendón
  • in office since 2023-11-23
Minister of Economic and Social Inclusion
Zaida Rovira Jurado
  • in office since 2023-11-23
Minister of Education
Alegría de Lourdes Crespo Cordovez
  • female
  • in office since 2024-04-22
Minister of Energy
Octaviano Antonio Gonçalves Savinovich
  • male
  • in office since 2024-07-02
Minister of Environment and Water
Sade Fritschi Naranjo
  • in office since 2023-11-23
Minister of Finance
Juan Carlos Vega Malo
  • male
  • in office since 2023-11-27
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Gabriela Sommerfeld Rosero
  • in office since 2023-11-23
Minister of Government
Michele Sensi-Contugi Ycaza
  • male
  • in office since 2024-04-21
Minister of Health
Manuel Antonio Naranjo Paz y Miño
  • male
  • in office since 2024-06-18
Minister of the Interior
Mónica Palencia Núñez
  • in office since 2024-04-21
Minister of Labour
Ivonne Nuñez Figueroa
  • in office since 2023-11-23
Minister of Production, Foreign Trade, Investment and Fisheries
María Sonsoles García León
  • in office since 2023-11-23
Minister of Sport
Andrés Guschmer Tamariz
  • in office since 2023-11-23
Minister of Telecommunications
César Antonio Martín Moreno
  • in office since 2023-11-25
Minister of Tourism
Niels Olsen
image of Niels Olsen from Wikimedia Commons
  • male
  • born 1988-01-15
  • in office since 2023-11-23
  • Wikidata
Minister of Transport and Public Works
Roberto Luque Nuques
  • in office since 2023-11-23
Minister of Urban Development and Housing
Humberto Plaza Argüello
  • in office since 2023-11-23
Minister of Women and Human Rights
Arianna María Tanca Macchiavello
  • in office since 2023-11-25
President of the National Assembly
Henry Kronfle
image of Henry Kronfle from Wikimedia Commons
  • male
  • born 1972
  • in office since 2023-11-18
  • Wikipedia Wikidata
Mayor of Guayaquil
Aquiles Alvarez
image of Aquiles Alvarez from Wikimedia Commons
  • male
  • born 1984-04-12
  • in office since 2023-05-14
  • Wikidata
Mayor of Quito
Pabel Muñoz
image of Pabel Muñoz from Wikimedia Commons
  • male
  • born 1975-09-06
  • in office since 2023-05-14
  • Wikidata

Unfortunately we have not yet been able to find a regularly-updated official source for the data listed here, so we are not able to automatically check that this information is up-to-date. If you know of such a source, or if you see an error in the data, please get in touch. The last change was on July 2, 2024.