
Member of the Transitional Presidential Council
Edgard Leblanc Fils
  • male
  • born 1955
  • in office since 2024-04-16
  • Wikipedia Wikidata
Member of the Transitional Presidential Council
Emmanuel Vertilaire
  • in office since 2024-04-16
Member of the Transitional Presidential Council
Frinel Joseph
  • in office since 2024-04-16
Member of the Transitional Presidential Council
Fritz Jean
image of Fritz Jean from Wikimedia Commons
  • male
  • born 1956-04-22
  • in office since 2024-04-16
  • Wikipedia Wikidata
Member of the Transitional Presidential Council
Laurent Saint-Cyr
  • in office since 2024-04-16
Member of the Transitional Presidential Council
Leslie Voltaire
  • in office since 2024-04-16
Member of the Transitional Presidential Council
Louis Gérald Gilles
  • in office since 2024-04-16
Member of the Transitional Presidential Council
Regine Abraham
  • in office since 2024-04-16
Member of the Transitional Presidential Council
Smith Augustin
  • in office since 2024-04-16
Prime Minister
Minister of Interior and Territorial Communities
Garry Conille
image of Garry Conille from Wikimedia Commons
  • male
  • born 1966-02-26
  • in office since 2024-06-03
  • Wikipedia Wikidata
Minister of Agriculture
Vernet Joseph
  • in office since 2024-06-12
Minister of Commerce and Industry
Minister of Tourism
James Monazard
  • in office since 2024-06-12
Minister of Culture and Communication
Minister of National Education and Vocational Training
Antoine Augustin
  • in office since 2024-06-12
Minister of Defence
Jean Marc Berthier Antoine
  • in office since 2024-06-12
Minister of Economy and Finance
Minister of Planning and External Cooperation
Ketleen Florestal
  • in office since 2024-06-12
Minister of the Environment
Moïse Jean-Pierre Fils
  • in office since 2024-06-12
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Minister of Haitians Living Abroad
Dominique Dupuy
  • female
  • born 1990
  • in office since 2024-06-12
  • Wikidata
Minister of Health
Georges Fils Brignol
  • in office since 2024-06-12
Minister of Justice and Public Security
Carlos Hercule
  • in office since 2024-06-12
Minister of Public Works, Transport and Communications
Raphaël Hosty
  • in office since 2024-06-12
Minister of Social Affairs and Labour
Georges Wilbert Franck
  • in office since 2024-06-12
Minister of the Status and Rights of Women
Marie Françoise Suzan
  • in office since 2024-06-12
Minister of Youth, Sports and Civic Action
Niola Lynn Sarah Devalis Octavius
  • in office since 2024-06-12

Unfortunately we have not yet been able to find a regularly-updated official source for the data listed here, so we are not able to automatically check that this information is up-to-date. If you know of such a source, or if you see an error in the data, please get in touch. The last change was on June 12, 2024.