Isle of Man
- Lord of Mann
- Charles III
- Chief Minister
- Alfred Cannan
- Lieutenant Governor
- John Lorimer
- Minister for Cabinet Office
- David Ashford
- Minister for Education
- Daphne Caine
- Minister for Enterprise
Timothy Johnston
- male
- in office since 2023-02-13
- Minister for Environment, Food and Agriculture
- Clare Barber
- Minister for Health
Claire Christian
- in office since 2024-11-25
- Minister for Infrastructure
Michelle Haywood
- in office since 2024-11-25
- Minister for Justice and Home Affairs
- Jane Poole-Wilson
- Minister for the Treasury
- Alexander J Allinson
- Minister without portfolio
- Tim Crookall
- President of Tynwald
- Laurence Skelly
- Speaker of the House of Keys
- Juan Watterson
This list is checked daily against and several other sources. The last change was on November 25, 2024. If something seems wrong, or you think we should include another key position here, please get in touch.