
Hans-Adam II, Prince of Liechtenstein
image of Hans-Adam II, Prince of Liechtenstein from Wikimedia Commons
  • male
  • born 1945-02-14
  • in office since 1989-11-13
  • Wikipedia Wikidata
Prime Minister
Daniel Risch
image of Daniel Risch from Wikimedia Commons
  • male
  • born 1978-03-05
  • in office since 2021-03-25
  • Wikipedia Wikidata
Deputy Prime Minister
Minister of Home Affairs
Sabine Monauni
image of Sabine Monauni from Wikimedia Commons
  • female
  • born 1974-04-10
  • in office since 2021-03-25
  • Wikipedia Wikidata
Minister of Foreign Affairs, Education and Sport
Dominique Hasler
image of Dominique Hasler from Wikimedia Commons
  • female
  • born 1978-10-06
  • in office since 2021-03-25
  • Wikipedia Wikidata
Minister of Infrastructure and Justice
Graziella Marok-Wachter
image of Graziella Marok-Wachter from Wikimedia Commons
  • female
  • born 1965-05-04
  • in office since 2021-03-25
  • Wikipedia Wikidata
Minister of Social Affairs and Culture
Manuel Frick
image of Manuel Frick from Wikimedia Commons
  • male
  • born 1984-11-16
  • in office since 2021-03-25
  • Wikidata
President of the Landtag
Albert Frick
image of Albert Frick from Wikimedia Commons
  • male
  • born 1948-10-21
  • in office since 2013-03
  • Wikipedia Wikidata
Chairman of the National Bank
Georg Wohlwend
  • male
  • in office since 2021-05-07
  • Wikidata

This list is checked daily against and several other sources. The last change was on May 7, 2021. If something seems wrong, or you think we should include another key position here, please get in touch.