
Henri, Grand Duke of Luxembourg
image of Henri, Grand Duke of Luxembourg from Wikimedia Commons
  • male
  • born 1955-04-16
  • in office since 2000-10-07
  • Wikipedia Wikidata
Prime Minister
Luc Frieden
image of Luc Frieden from Wikimedia Commons
  • male
  • born 1963-09-16
  • in office since 2023-11-17
  • Wikipedia Wikidata
Deputy Prime Minister
Minister of Foreign and European Affairs
Minister of Foreign Trade
Minister for the Greater Region
Xavier Bettel
image of Xavier Bettel from Wikimedia Commons
  • male
  • born 1973-03-03
  • in office since 2023-11-17
  • Wikipedia Wikidata
Minister of Agriculture
Minister for Consumer Protection
Martine Hansen
image of Martine Hansen from Wikimedia Commons
  • female
  • born 1965-12-10
  • in office since 2023-11-17
  • Wikipedia Wikidata
Minister for the Civil Service
Minister for Climate and Biodiversity
Minister for the Environment
Serge Wilmes
image of Serge Wilmes from Wikimedia Commons
  • male
  • born 1982-05-06
  • in office since 2023-11-17
  • Wikipedia Wikidata
Minister for Culture
Minister Delegate for Tourism
Eric Thill
image of Eric Thill from Wikimedia Commons
  • male
  • born 1993-11-27
  • in office since 2023-11-17
  • Wikidata
Minister of Defence
Minister for Gender Equality and Diversity
Minister for Mobility and Public Works
Yuriko Backes
image of Yuriko Backes from Wikimedia Commons
  • female
  • born 1970-12-22
  • in office since 2023-11-17
  • Wikipedia Wikidata
Minister for Digitalisation
Minister for Higher Education and Research
Stéphanie Obertin
image of Stéphanie Obertin from Wikimedia Commons
  • female
  • born 1974-05-13
  • in office since 2023-11-17
  • Wikipedia Wikidata
Minister of the Economy
Lex Delles
image of Lex Delles from Wikimedia Commons
  • male
  • born 1984-11-28
  • in office since 2023-11-17
  • Wikipedia Wikidata
Minister for Education, Children and Youth
Minister for Housing
Claude Meisch
image of Claude Meisch from Wikimedia Commons
  • male
  • born 1971-11-27
  • in office since 2013-12-04
  • Wikipedia Wikidata
Minister for Family Affairs and Integration
Max Hahn
image of Max Hahn from Wikimedia Commons
  • male
  • born 1981-04-30
  • in office since 2023-06-15
  • Wikidata
Minister for Finance
Gilles Roth
image of Gilles Roth from Wikimedia Commons
  • male
  • born 1967-03-01
  • in office since 2023-11-17
  • Wikidata
Minister of Health
Minister of Social Security
Martine Deprez
image of Martine Deprez from Wikimedia Commons
  • female
  • born 1969-04-26
  • in office since 2023-11-17
  • Wikipedia Wikidata
Minister of Internal Security
Léon Gloden
image of Léon Gloden from Wikimedia Commons
  • male
  • born 1972-12-09
  • in office since 2023-11-17
  • Wikidata
Minister for Justice
Minister Delegate for Media and Communications
Minister Delegate for Relations with Parliament
Elisabeth Margue
image of Elisabeth Margue from Wikimedia Commons
  • female
  • born 1990-04-07
  • in office since 2023-11-17
  • Wikipedia Wikidata
Minister of Labour, Employment and the Social and Solidarity Economy
Minister of Sport
Georges Mischo
image of Georges Mischo from Wikimedia Commons
  • male
  • born 1974-09-18
  • in office since 2023-11-17
  • Wikidata
President of the Council of State
Christophe Schiltz
image of Christophe Schiltz from Wikimedia Commons
  • male
  • born 1978-12-12
  • in office since 2021-04-07
  • Wikidata
President of the Chamber of Deputies
Claude Wiseler
image of Claude Wiseler from Wikimedia Commons
  • male
  • born 1960-01-30
  • in office since 2023-11-21
  • Wikipedia Wikidata
Chief of Defence
Steve Thull
image of Steve Thull from Wikimedia Commons
  • male
  • born 1967-04-23
  • in office since 2020-09-29
  • Wikipedia Wikidata
Chairman of the Central Bank
Gaston Reinesch
  • male
  • born 1958-05-17
  • in office since 2013-01-01
  • Wikipedia Wikidata
Mayor of Luxembourg
Lydie Polfer
image of Lydie Polfer from Wikimedia Commons
  • female
  • born 1952-11-22
  • in office since 2013-12-17
  • Wikipedia Wikidata

This list is checked daily against and several other sources. The last change was on December 18, 2023. If something seems wrong, or you think we should include another key position here, please get in touch.