- President
- Dharam Gokhool
- Vice President
- Robert Hungley
- Prime Minister
Minister of Defence, Home Affairs and External Communications
Minister of Finance
Minister for Rodrigues, Outer Islands and Territorial Integrity - Navin Ramgoolam
- Vice Prime Minister
- Paul Bérenger
- Minister of Agro-Industry and Food Security
- Arvin Boolell
- Minister of Arts and Cultural Heritage
Mahendra GONDEEA
- in office since 2024-11-22
- Minister of Commerce and Consumer Protection
John Michael Tzoun Sao Yeung Sik Yuen
- in office since 2024-11-22
- Minister of Education and Human Resource
Mahend Gungapersad
- in office since 2024-11-22
- Minister of Energy and Public Utilities
- Patrick Assirvaden
- Minister of Environment, Solid Waste Management and Climate Change
- Rajesh Bhagwan
- Minister of Financial Services and Economic Planning
- Jyoti Jeetun
- Minister of Foreign Affairs
Dhananjay Ramful
- in office since 2024-11-22
- Minister of Gender Equality and Family Welfare
Marie Arianne Navarre-Marie
- in office since 2024-11-22
- Minister of Health and Wellness
- Anil Bachoo
- Minister of Housing and Lands
- Shakeel Mohamed
- Minister of Industrial Development, SMEs and Cooperatives
Sayed Muhammad Aadil Ameer Meea
- in office since 2024-11-22
- Minister of Information Technology, Communication and Innovation
- in office since 2024-11-22
- Minister of Labour and Industrial Relations
- Muhammad Uteem
- Minister of Land Transport
Osman Cassam Mahomed
- in office since 2024-11-22
- Minister of Local Government
Ranjiv Woochit
- in office since 2024-11-22
- Minister of National Infrastructure
Govindranath GUNNESS
- in office since 2024-11-22
- Minister of Public Service, Administrative and Institutional Reforms
Lutchmanah PENTIAH
- in office since 2024-11-22
- Minister of Social Integration, Social Security and National Solidarity
- Ashok Subron
- Minister of Tertiary Education, Science and Research
Kaviraj Sharma SUKON
- in office since 2024-11-22
- Minister of Tourism
- Richard Duval
- Minister of Youth and Sports
Darmarajen Nagalingum
- in office since 2024-11-22
- Speaker of the National Assembly
- Shirin Aumeeruddy-Cziffra
- Governor of the Central Bank
- Rama Sithanen
This list is checked daily against and several other sources. The last change was on December 6, 2024. If something seems wrong, or you think we should include another key position here, please get in touch.