- monarch
- Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands
- Prime Minister
Minister of General Affairs - Dick Schoof
- Deputy Prime Minister
Minister of Social Affairs and Employment - Eddy van Hijum
- Deputy Prime Minister
Minister of Public Health, Welfare and Sport - Fleur Agema
- Deputy Prime Minister
Minister of Housing and Spatial Planning - Mona Keijzer
- Deputy Prime Minister
Minister for Climate - Sophie Hermans
- Minister of Agriculture
- Femke Wiersma
- Minister of Asylum and Migration
- Marjolein Faber
- Minister of Defence
- Ruben Brekelmans
- Minister of Economic Affairs
- Dirk Beljaarts
- Minister of Education, Culture and Science
- Eppo Bruins
- Minister of Finance
- Eelco Heinen
- Minister of Foreign Affairs
- Caspar Veldkamp
- Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation
- Reinette Klever
- Minister of Infrastructure and Environment
- Barry Madlener
- Minister of the Interior and Kingdom Relations
- Judith Uitermark
- Minister of Justice and Security
- David van Weel
- State Secretary for Benefits
- Sandra Palmen
- State Secretary for Defence
- Gijs Tuinman
- State Secretary for Fisheries, Food Security and Nature
- Jean Rummenie
- State Secretary for Justice and Security
- Ingrid Coenradie
- State Secretary for Kingdom Relations and Digitization
- Zsolt Szabó
- State Secretary for Legal Protection
- Teun Struycken
- State Secretary for Long-Term and Social Care
- Vicky Maeijer
- State Secretary for Participation and Integration
- Jurgen Nobel
- State Secretary for Primary and Secondary Education and Equal Opportunities
- Mariëlle Paul
- State Secretary for Public Transport and the Environment
- Chris Jansen
- State Secretary for Reparations for Groningen
- Eddie van Marum
- State Secretary for Tax Affairs, Tax Administration and Customs
- Tjebbe van Oostenbruggen
- State Secretary for Youth and Prevention
- Vincent Karremans
- Minister Plenipotentiary of Sint Maarten
- Gracita Arrindell
- President of the Senate
- Jan Anthonie Bruijn
- Speaker of the House of Representatives
- Martin Bosma
- President of De Nederlandsche Bank
- Klaas Knot
- Chief of Defence
- Onno Eichelsheim
This list is checked daily against and several other sources. The last change was on December 12, 2024. If something seems wrong, or you think we should include another key position here, please get in touch.