Northern Cyprus
- President
- Ersin Tatar
- Prime Minister
- Ünal Üstel
- Deputy Prime Minister
Minister of Tourism and Culture - Fikri Ataoğlu
- Minister of Agriculture
- Hüseyin Çavuş Kelle
- Minister of the Economy
- Olgun Amcaoğlu
- Minister of Education
- Nazım Çavuşoğlu
- Minister of Finance
- Özdemir Berova
- Minister of Foreign Affairs
- Tahsin Ertuğruloğlu
- Minister of Health
- Hakan Dinçyürek
- Minister of the Interior
- Dursun Oğuz
- Minister of Labour
- Sadık Gardiyanoğlu
- Minister of Public Works and Transport
- Erhan Arıklı
- Speaker of the Assembly
- Ziya Öztürkler
Unfortunately we have not yet been able to find a regularly-updated official source for the data listed here, so we are not able to automatically check that this information is up-to-date. If you know of such a source, or if you see an error in the data, please get in touch. The last change was on November 18, 2024.