- President
- Nicolás Maduro
- Vice President
Minister of Petroleum - Delcy Rodríguez
- Minister of Agriculture
Menry Fernández
- in office since 2024-08-27
- Minister of Borders
Gerardo Izquierdo Torres
- male
- in office since 2015-09-04
- Minister of Commerce
- Luis Antonio Villegas Ramírez
- Minister of Communications and Information
- Freddy Ñáñez
- Minister of Communities and Social Movements
Minister of Urban Agriculture -
Ángel Prado
- in office since 2024-08-27
- Minister of Corrections
Julio García Zerpa
- in office since 2024-06-11
- Minister of Culture
- Ernesto Villegas
- Minister of Defence
- Vladimir Padrino López
- Minister of Ecological Mining Development
Héctor Silva
- in office since 2024-08-27
- Minister of Ecosocialism
- Josué Alejandro Lorca
- Minister of Education
- Héctor Rodríguez Castro
- Minister for the Elderly
Minister of Health - Magaly Gutiérrez
- Minister of Electrical Power
- Jorge Elieser Márquez
- Minister of Finance
Anabel Pereira Fernández
- in office since 2024-08-27
- Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture
- Juan Carlos Loyo
- Minister of Food
- Carlos Leal
- Minister of Foreign Affairs
- Yván Gil
- Minister of Ground Transport
- Ramón Celestino Velázquez
- Minister of Housing and Habitat
Minister of Public Works - Raúl Alfonso Paredes
- Minister of Indigenous Peoples
- Clara Vidal
- Minister of Industries and National Production
- Alex Saab
- Minister of the Interior and Justice
- Diosdado Cabello
- Minister of Labour and Social Security
- Eduardo Piñate
- Minister of the Office of the Presidency
- Aníbal Coronado
- Minister of Planning
- Ricardo Menéndez
- Minister of Science and Technology
- Gabriela Jiménez Ramírez
- Minister of Tourism
Leticia Gómez
- in office since 2024-08-27
- Minister of University Education
- Ricardo Sánchez Mujica
- Minister of Water
Carlos Max Giusti
- in office since 2024-08-27
- Minister of Women and Gender Equality
Jhoanna Carrillo Malavé
- in office since 2024-08-27
- Minister of Youth
- Grecia Colmenares
- Minister of Sports
Arnaldo Sánchez
- in office since 2024-08-27
- Attorney General
- Tarek William Saab
- President of the National Assembly
- Jorge Rodríguez
- President of the National Assembly
- Dinorah Figuera
Unfortunately we have not yet been able to find a regularly-updated official source for the data listed here, so we are not able to automatically check that this information is up-to-date. If you know of such a source, or if you see an error in the data, please get in touch. The last change was on October 18, 2024.